David Harper wrote these web pages, including the software which drives the interactive Blue Moon Calculator.
David has a B.Sc. in mathematics and astronomy from the University of London and a Ph.D. in applied mathematics from the University of Liverpool.
In his early career, he was a professional astronomer. He taught at the University of London and worked at the Royal Greenwich Observatory.
His areas of astronomical expertise are celestial mechanics (calculating the orbits of planets and satellites) and positional astronomy (calculating the positions of the Sun, Moon and planets).
He currently serves on three Commissions of the International Astronomical Union (the world governing body of astronomy) devoted to these fields. In addition, he is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, a founding member of the Society for the History of Astronomy, a member of the European Astronomical Society, and an international affiliate of the American Astronomical Society.
Since 1999, David has worked at the Wellcome Sanger Institute, one of the world's leading genome research centres. He has contributed to the work of the Institute as a scientific software developer and as a database administrator.
David continues to pursue his interest in astronomy, mainly by contributing star charts and articles for the annual Yearbook of Astronomy(https://yearbookofastronomy.com/).
If you would like to know more about David, please visit his personal web site (https://theotherdavidharper.com/).