attribute can be used to control the shape of the
<UL> <LI>This is an unordered list. <LI>Each list item is preceded by a <EM>bullet</EM> whose default appearance depends upon the web browser being used. <UL> <LI>It is possible to have a list within a list. <LI>This is known as <EM>nesting</EM>. <LI>Notice that the bullets at this level may look different, depending on the web browser being used. </UL> <LI>The <CODE>TYPE</CODE> attribute can be used to control the shape of the bullet. <UL> <LI TYPE="DISC">The source code for this is <CODE><LI TYPE="DISC"></CODE>. <LI TYPE="SQUARE">The source code for this is <CODE><LI TYPE="SQUARE"></CODE>. <LI TYPE="CIRCLE">The source code for this is <CODE><LI TYPE="CIRCLE"></CODE>. </UL> </UL>An unordered list begins with the tag
and ends with
the tag </UL>
. Each list item is preceded by the tag
. An unordered list should be used when the order of
the list items is not important.
Note : The < (less than) and > (greater than) characters have a special meaning in HTML in that they delineate tags. When you need a < or > symbol for some other reason (such as in the example above), you must use the HTML entity names < and >
<OL> <LI>This is an ordered list. <LI>Each list item is preceded by a <EM>letter</EM> or <EM>number</EM>, depending upon the web browser being used. <OL> <LI>It is possible to have a list within a list. <LI>This is known as <EM>nesting</EM>. <LI>Notice that the enumeration scheme at this level may be different, depending on the web browser being used. <UL> <LI>If you like, you can mix ordered and unordered lists in your nesting scheme. <LI>This is an example of an unordered list nested within an ordered list which itself is nested within an ordered list. </UL> </OL> <LI>It is possible to specify the enumeration scheme for ordered lists. The choices include Arabic numbers, upper and lower case letters, and upper and lower case Roman numbers. </OL>An ordered list begins with the tag
and ends with the
tag </OL>
. Like the unordered list, each list item is
preceded by the tag <LI>
. An ordered list should be used
when the list items should be enumerated in some manner.
tag.<DL> <DT><STRONG>Term Being Defined</STRONG> <DD>The definition goes here. Notice that we can use different fonts in the definition list. <DT><STRONG>Ordered List</STRONG> <DD>This is a list in which the items are enumerated in some manner. <DT><STRONG>Unordered List</STRONG> <DD>This is a list in which the items are not enumerated but simply listed. <DT><STRONG>Multiple Definitions</STRONG> <DD> <OL> <LI>An ordered list is used in the definition. <LI>Several definitions are listed. <LI>Alternatively, use an unordered list. <LI>However, notice that the indentation is different. </OL> <DT><STRONG>Another Way</STRONG> <DD>Separate different definitions with the <BR> tag.<BR> The indentation should be better.<BR> How does it look on your browser? <DT><STRONG>Nested Definitions</STRONG> <DD>Is this possible? <DL> <DT><EM>Sub-definition #1</EM> <DD>It certainly is! <DT><EM>Sub-definition #2</EM> <DD>The use of different fonts adds to the readability of the list. </DL> <DT><STRONG>Back to Outer List</STRONG> <DD>The possibilities are endless! </DL>A definition list begins with the tag
and ends with
the tag </DL>
. Unlike the ordered and unordered lists,
each definition consists of two parts, the term being defined (which is
preceded by the tag <DT>
) and the definition itself
(which is preceded by the tag <DD>
). The term being
defined is flush left and the definition is indented.