April 2024

What rubbish have we received today? Below is a partial list of the "spamvertised" domains sent to our accounts. (Note that this is a listing of spam received by us, not sent by us. We do not send unsolicited bulk email but spammers routinely forge our domain name in the From: line of their junk.)

Organisation Domain Name Date
AI Viral Vid, Valentine Tarrance [YouTube] → [unknown] 28 April
BestQtf bestqtf.org 1 April
fiverr fiverr.com 4 April
7 April
Ink AI furtherinfo.org → warriorplus.com → getinkai.com 26 April
KuCoin kucoin.com 11 April
Unknown/Unresolved Domain Name/Contact Details Date
Hey! Get your Solar Eclipse Sunglasses now on AMAZON SALE!
https://amzn.to/3VASfUK → Medical king Solar Eclipse Glasses AAS Approved 2024 (10 Pack) CE and ISO Certified Safe Shades for Direct Sun Viewing
fernando.odowd@gmail.com 4 April
We are local and available to provide a no-obligation quote for your recurring cleaning needs. May I give you more information?
Our booking app allows for service scheduling, invoice management, and communication with your cleaning crew, all in one simple platform.
Would you be interested in a cleaning quote and a more simple line of communication?
I appreciate your time,
Rosario Gacayan
Business Development Representative
Clean Go NYC
rosariog@usecleansgo.com 20 April
Addresses Receiving Spam Total
Obliquity.com Contact Form 8