Look at the stars! look, look up at the skies!
O look at all the fire-folk sitting in the air!
The bright boroughs, the circle-citadels there!
Down in dim woods the diamond delves! the elves'-eyes!
— Gerard Manley Hopkins, "The Starlight Night", 1877
Stars have many names. Throughout the ages, people have devised numbering or lettering systems to identify stars within a constellation. A given star may have a different designation in every catalogue in which it appears. However, in addition to all of these identifiers, some of the brighter stars have proper names as well; names like Arcturus or Polaris or Rigel or Sirius or Vega. Most of these names have been handed down from antiquity via Arab astronomers but a few have been coined as recently as the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The names vary from culture to culture, the spellings are often inconsistent and sometimes the meanings are obscure.
Please note that only the International Astronomical Union has the authority to name celestial objects and they do not sell names to the public.
Names are assigned to individual stars rather than to entire multiple star systems. According to the Bulletin of the IAU Working Group on Star Names, No. 2 (November 2016), the name should be understood to be attributed to the brightest component by visual magnitude unless stated otherwise.
Name | Designation | Derivation | Meaning | Sources | |
Absolutno | XO-5 | absolutno | [Czech] | a fictional miraculous substance from Czech writer Karel Čapek's Továrna na absolutno | 11 |
Acamar | θ Eri | ākhir un‑nahr | [Arabic] | the end of the river | 3,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Achernar | α Eri | ākhir un‑nahr | [Arabic] | the end of the river | 4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Achird | η Cas | 5,11 | |||
Acrab | β Sco | al‑ʿaqrab | [Arabic] | the scorpion | 1,4,5,9,11 |
Acrux | α Cru | α + crux | [Greek/Latin] | the α star of the constellation Crux | 4,6,7,9,11 |
Acubens | α Cnc | az‑zubānā | [Arabic] | the claw | 4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Adhafera | ζ Leo | aḍ‑ḍafīra | [Arabic] | the lock of hair | 4,6,7,9,11 |
Adhara | ε CMa | al‑ʿadhārā | [Arabic] | the maidens | 1,3,4,5,6,7,10,11 |
Adhil | ξ And | adh‑dhayl | [Arabic] | the train of the garment | 4,7,9,11 |
Ain | ε Tau | ʿayn al‑thawr | [Arabic] | the eye of the bull | 1,4,5,9,11 |
Ainalrami | ν Sgr | ʿayn al‑rāmī | [Arabic] | the eye of the archer | 4,7,11 |
Aiolos | HD 95086 | Αίολος | [Greek] | the name of the ruler of the winds from Greek mythology | 11 |
Aladfar | η Lyr | al‑aṭhfār | [Arabic] | the talons of the swooping vulture | 4,7,11 |
Alasia | HD 168746 | Alašiya | an ancient place name associated with Cyprus | 11 | |
Albaldah | π Sgr | al‑balda | [Arabic] | the wasteland | 3,4,7,10,11 |
Albali | ε Aqr | saʿd al‑bulʿ | [Arabic] | the lucky star of the swallower | 3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Albireo | β Cyg | corrupt transliteration of the Greek word Ορυις | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 | ||
Alchiba | α Crv | al‑khibāʾ | [Arabic] | the tent | 1,4,5,6,7,10,11 |
Alcor | 80 UMa | al‑khawwār | [Arabic] | the faint one | 4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Alcyone | η Tau | Άλκυόνη | [Greek] | one of the Pleiades | 1,4,5,6,7,11 |
Aldebaran | α Tau | al‑dabarān | [Arabic] | the follower | 1,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Alderamin | α Cep | ad‑dhirāʿi‑yamīn | [Arabic] | the right arm | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Aldhanab | γ Gru | al‑dhanab | [Arabic] | the tail | 4,11 |
Aldhibah | ζ Dra | al‑dhiʾbān | [Arabic] | the two wolves (with Athebyne) | 4,5,7,10,11 |
Aldulfin | ε Del | dhanab ud‑dulfīn | [Arabic] | the tail of the dolphin | 3,4,11 |
Alfirk | β Cep | kawkabā al‑farq | [Arabic] | the two stars of the hair part | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Algedi | α² Cap | al‑jady | [Arabic] | the kid | 1,4,6,9,11 |
Algenib | γ Peg | al‑janb | [Arabic] | the side | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Algieba | γ¹ Leo | al‑jabha | [Arabic] | the forehead [of the lion] | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Algol | β Per | raʾas al‑ghūl | [Arabic] | the head of the demon | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Algorab | δ Crv | al‑ghurāb | [Arabic] | the raven | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Alhena | γ Gem | al‑hanʿa | [Arabic] | the neck mark | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Alioth | ε UMa | al‑jawn | [Arabic] | the black horse | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Aljanah | ε Cyg | al‑janāḥ | [Arabic] | the wing | 4,7,9,11 |
Alkaid | η UMa | al‑qāʾid | [Arabic] | the leader | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Alkalurops | μ Boo | κολλόροβος | [Greek] | the club | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Alkaphrah | κ UMa | al‑qafza al‑thālitha | [Arabic] | the third leap of the gazelles (with Talitha) | 4,6,9,10,11 |
Alkarab | υ Peg | al‑karab | [Arabic] | the bucket rope | 4,7,10,11 |
Alkes | α Crt | al‑kaʾs | [Arabic] | the wine cup | 4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Almaaz | ε Aur | al‑ʿanz | [Arabic] | the female goat | 4,10,11 |
Almach | γ And | ʿanāq al‑arḍ | [Arabic] | the caracal | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Alnair | α Gru | al‑nayyir | [Arabic] | the bright one | 4,5,7,9,11 |
Alnasl | γ Sgr | an-naşl | [Arabic] | the blade | 4,6,7,9,11 |
Alnilam | ε Ori | al‑niẓām | [Arabic] | the string of pearls | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Alnitak | ζ Ori | al‑niṭāq al‑jawzāʾ | [Arabic] | the belt of al‑Jawzāʾ | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Alniyat | σ Sco | al‑niyāṭ | [Arabic] | the arteries | 3,4,7,9,10,11 |
Alphard | α Hya | al‑fard | [Arabic] | the solitary one | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Alphecca | α CrB | munīr al‑fakka | [Arabic] | the brilliant one of the breach | 3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Alpheratz | α And | surrat al‑faras | [Arabic] | the navel of the mare | 4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Alpherg | η Psc | al‑fargh | [Arabic] | the flow of water | 11 |
Alrakis | μ Dra | al‑rāqiṣ | [Arabic] | the trotting camel | 4,6,7,9,10,11 |
Alrescha | α Psc | ar‑rishāʾ | [Arabic] | the cord | 4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Alruba | HD 161693 | al‑rubʿ | [Arabic] | the foal of the camel | 4,7,10,11 |
Alsafi | σ Dra | ath‑athāfiyy | [Arabic] | the tripods | 4,7,11 |
Alsciaukat | 31 Lyn | al‑shauka | [Arabic] | the thorn | 4,11 |
Alsephina | δ Vel | al‑safinah | [Arabic] | the ship | 4,11 |
Alshain | β Aql | shāhīn‑i tarāzū | [Persian] | the scale-beam | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Alshat | ν Cap | al‑shāt | [Arabic] | the sheep | 4,7,10,11 |
Altair | α Aql | al‑nasr uṭ‑ṭāʾir | [Arabic] | the flying vulture | 1,3,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Altais | δ Dra | al‑tays | [Arabic] | the goat | 4,6,7,9,11 |
Alterf | λ Leo | al‑ṭarf | [Arabic] | the eyes | 3,4,6,7,9,10,11 |
Aludra | η CMa | al‑ʿudhra al‑jawzāʾ | [Arabic] | the maidenhood of al‑Jawzāʾ | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Alula Australis | ξ UMa | al‑qafza al‑ulā / australis | [Arabic/Latin] | the first southern leap of the gazelles | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Alula Borealis | ν UMa | al‑qafza al‑ulā / borealis | [Arabic/Latin] | the first northern leap of the gazelles | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Alya | θ¹ Ser | alyat | [Arabic] | the fat tail of a sheep | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Alzirr | ξ Gem | al‑zirr | [Arabic] | the camel herder | 4,7,10,11 |
Amadioha | HD 43197 | [Igbo] | the deity of thunder, love, peace and unity | 11 | |
Amansinaya | CD−23 9677 | Aman Sinaya | [Tagalog] | the primordial deity of the ocean and protector of fishermen | 11 |
Anadolu | WASP-52 | Ανατολή | [Greek] | Turkish form of Anatolia | 11 |
Anadolu | WASP-52 | Ανατολή | [Greek] | Turkish form of Anatolia | 11 |
Añañuca | GJ 367 | añañuca | [Spanish] | a red wildflower endemic to Chile | 11 |
Angetenar | τ² Eri | ʿarjat un‑nahr | [Arabic] | the bend in the river | 4,7,11 |
Aniara | HD 102956 | άνιαρός | [Greek] | the name of a fictional spaceship from Swedish writer Harry Martinson's Aniara: en revy om människan i tid och rum | 11 |
Ankaa | α Phe | al‑ʿanqāʾ | [Arabic] | the fabulous bird | 7,9,11 |
Anser | α Vul | anser | [Latin] | the goose | 4,7,11 |
Antares | α Sco | άντάρης | [Greek] | similar to Ares | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Antinous | θ Aql | Άντίνοος | [Greek] | commemerating the obsolete constellation Antinous | 4,11 |
Arcalis | HD 131496 | Arcalís | named for a mountain in northern Andorra | 11 | |
Arcturus | α Boo | Άρκτοῡρος | [Greek] | the bear watcher or guardian | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Arkab Posterior | β² Sgr | al‑ʿarqūb / posterior | [Arabic/Latin] | the hamstring | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Arkab Prior | β¹ Sgr | al‑ʿarqūb / prior | [Arabic/Latin] | the hamstring | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Arneb | α Lep | al‑arnab | [Arabic] | the hare | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Ascella | ζ Sgr | ascella | [Latin] | the armpit | 4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Asellus Australis | δ Cnc | asellus australis | [Latin] | the southern ass | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Asellus Borealis | γ Cnc | asellus borealis | [Latin] | the northern ass | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Ashlesha | ε Hya | āśleṣā | [Sanskrit] | the embrace | 11 |
Aspidiske | ι Car | άσπιδίσκη | [Greek] | the little shield | 4,6,7,9,11 |
Asterope | 21 Tau | Στερόπη | [Greek] | one of the Pleiades | 1,4,5,9,11 |
Atakoraka | WASP-64 | named for the chain of the Atakora, a mountain range in Togo | 11 | ||
Athebyne | η Dra | al‑dhiʾbān | [Arabic] | the two wolves (with Aldhibah) | 4,10,11 |
Atik | ο Per | al‑ʿātiq al‑thurayyā | [Arabic] | the shoulder blade of al‑Thurayyā (with ζ Per) | 4,5,6,9k11 |
Atlas | 27 Tau | Ἄτλας | [Greek] | the father of the Pleiades | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Atria | α TrA | α + tria(ngulum) | [Greek/Latin] | the α star of the constellation Triangulum Australe | 7,9,11 |
Avior | ε Car | 7,8,11 | |||
Axólotl | HD 224963 | āxōlōtl | [Nahautl] | the salamander | 11 |
Ayeyarwady | HD 18742 | erawa.ti | [Burmese] | named for a river in Myanmar | 11 |
Azelfafage | π¹ Cyg | al‑sulaḥfāt | [Arabic] | the tortoise | 1,4,5,7,9,11 |
Azha | η Eri | ôshyôneh | [Persian] | the ostrich nest | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Azmidi | ξ Pup | άσπιδίσκη | [Greek] | the little shield | 1,4,11 |
Baekdu | 8 UMi | Paektu | [Korean] | named for the highest mountain on the Korean penninsula | 11 |
Bake-eo | γ Oph | bake-eo | [Marshallese] | the spondylus mussel | 11 |
Barnard's Star | V2500 Oph | named for the American astronomer E.E. Barnard | 11 | ||
Baten Kaitos | ζ Cet | baṭn qayṭus | [Arabic] | the belly of Cetus | 4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Batsũ | LHS 3844 | batsũ | [Bribri] | the hummingbird | 11 |
Beemim | υ³ Eri | bhmn | [Arabic] | the bend in the river | 4,7,9,11 |
Beid | ο¹ Eri | al‑bayḍ | [Arabic] | the eggs | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Belel | HD 181342 | Bélel | a rare source of water in northern Senegal | 11 | |
Bélénos | HD 8574 | the Celtic deity of the sun | 11 | ||
Bellatrix | γ Ori | bellatrix | [Latin] | the female warrior | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Berehinya | HAT-P-15 | beregu | [Old East Slavic] | the Slavic deity of waters and riverbanks and later the national goddess of Ukraine | 11 |
Betelgeuse | α Ori | al‑mankib al‑jawzāʾ | [Arabic] | the shoulder of al‑Jawzāʾ | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Bharani | 41 Ari | bharaṇī | [Sanskrit] | the bearer | 11 |
Bibhā | HD 86081 | bibhā | [Bengali] | a bright beam of light | 11 |
Biham | θ Peg | saʿd al‑bihāʾim | [Arabic] | the lucky star of the young lambs | 4,6,7,9,10,11 |
Bosona | HD 206610 | Βοσωνα | [Greek] | the early medieval name of Bosnia | 11 |
Botein | δ Ari | al‑buṭayn | [Arabic] | the little belly | 1,3,4,5,7,9,10,11 |
Brachium | σ Lib | bracchium | [Latin] | the arm | 4,11 |
Bubup | HD 38283 | bubup | [Boon Wurrung] | the child | 11 |
Buna | HD 16175 | buna | [Amharic] | coffee | 11 |
Bunda | ξ Aqr | bunda | [Persian] | a lunar mansion in Persian astronomy | 4,11 |
Canopus | α Car | Κάνωβος | [Greek] | 4,5,6,7,9,11 | |
Capella | α Aur | capella | [Latin] | the she goat | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Caph | β Cas | al‑kaff al‑khaḍīb | [Arabic] | the henna-dyed hand | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Castor | α Gem | Κάστωρ | [Greek] | a character in Greek mythology | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Castula | υ² Cas | castula | [Latin] | the petticoat | 11 |
Cebalrai | β Oph | kalb al‑rāʿī | [Arabic] | the shepherd's dog | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Ceibo | HD 63454 | seíbo | [Spanish] | a tree that gives rise to the national flower of Uruguay | 11 |
Celaeno | 16 Tau | Κελαινώ | [Greek] | one of the Pleiades | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Cervantes | μ Ara | named for the Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra | 11 | ||
Chalawan | 47 UMa | [Thai] | the crocodile king | 11 | |
Chamukuy | θ² Tau | chamukuy | [Mayan] | a type of small bird | 11 |
Chaophraya | WASP-50 | Chao Phraya | [Thai] | named for a river in Thailand | 11 |
Chara | β CVn | χαρά | [Greek] | joy | 4,7,9,11 |
Chasoň | HAT-P-5 | chasoň | [Ancient Slovak] | the sun | 11 |
Chechia | HD 192699 | shāshīyah | [Arabic] | the traditional red wood hat worn in Tunisia | 11 |
Chertan | θ Leo | al‑kharātān | [Arabic] | the ribs [of the lion] | 3,4,6,7,9,10,11 |
Citadelle | HD 1502 | citadelle | [French] | named for a large mountain fortress in Haiti | 11 |
Citalá | HD 52265 | citalá | [Nahautl] | the river of stars | 11 |
Cocibolca | HD 4208 | cocibolca | [Nahautl] | a lake in Nicaragua | 11 |
Copernicus | 55 Cnc | named for Polish astronomer Nicolas Copernicus (Mikolaj Kopernik) | 11 | ||
Cor Caroli | α² CVn | cor Caroli | [Latin] | the heart of Charles Ⅰ | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Cujam | ω Her | caiam | [Latin] | the club | 1,4,5,7,9,11 |
Cursa | β Eri | kursī al‑jawzāʾ al‑muqaddam | [Arabic] | the front footstool of al‑Jawzāʾ | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Dabih | β¹ Cap | saʿd al‑dhābiḥ | [Arabic] | the lucky star of the slaughterer | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Dalim | α For | al‑ẓalīm | [Arabic] | the ostrich | 1,11 |
Danfeng | GJ 4332 | dānfèng | [Chinese] | the red phoenix of good fortune | 11 |
Deneb | α Cyg | dhanab ud‑dajājah | [Arabic] | the tail of the hen | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Deneb Algedi | δ Cap | dhanab al‑jady | [Arabic] | the tail of the kid | 4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Denebola | β Leo | dhanab ul‑asad | [Arabic] | the tail of the lion | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Diadem | α Com | διάδημα | [Greek] | the jewelled crown | 5,7,11 |
Dilmun | WASP-121 | dilmunki | [Sumerian] | an ancient civilisation in eastern Arabia | 11 |
Dingolay | HD 96063 | dyengula | [Kongo] | to dance and twist | 11 |
Diphda | β Cet | al‑ḍifdiʿ al‑thānī | [Arabic] | the second frog | 1,3,4,5,6,9,10,11 |
Dìwö | WASP-17 | dìwö | [Bribri] | the sun | 11 |
Diya | CD−30 1019 | diya | [Hindi] | the oil lamp brought to Mauritius in the 1820s and used for lighting on special occasions | 11 |
Dofida | HD 117618 | dofida | [Nias] | our star | 11 |
Dombay | HAT-P-3 | Домбай | [Russian] | named for a region in the North Caucasus mountains | 11 |
Dschubba | δ Sco | al‑jabha | [Arabic] | the forehead | 4,5,7,9,11 |
Dubhe | α UMa | al‑dubb | [Arabic] | the bear | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Dziban | ψ¹ Dra | al‑dhiʾbān | [Arabic] | the two wolves | 4,5,7,11 |
Ebla | HD 218566 | an ancient Syrian kingdom | 11 | ||
Edasich | ι Dra | al‑dhīkh | [Arabic] | the male hyaena | 4,6,7,9,10,11 |
Electra | 17 Tau | Ήλέκτρα | [Greek] | one of the Pleiades | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Elgafar | φ Vir | al‑ghafr | [Arabic] | the obscure | 4,7,10,11 |
Elkurud | θ Col | al‑qurūd | [Arabic] | the apes | 4,10,11 |
Elnath | β Tau | an‑naṭḥ | [Arabic] | the butting with the horns | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Eltanin | γ Dra | at‑tinnīn | [Arabic] | the dragon | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Emiw | HD 7199 | emiw | [Makhuwa] | love | 11 |
Enif | ε Peg | al-anf | [Arabic] | the nose | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Errai | γ Cep | al‑rāʿī | [Arabic] | the shepherd | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Fafnir | 42 Dra | Fáfnir | [Norse] | the mythological Norse dwarf who turned into a dragon | 11 |
Fang | π Sco | fáng xiù | [Chinese] | the first star of the room | 2,4,11 |
Fawaris | δ Cyg | al‑fawāris | [Arabic] | the riders | 4,7,10,11 |
Felis | HD 85951 | [Latin] | commemerating the obsolete constellation Felis | 11 | |
Felixvarela | BD−17 63 | named for Cuban teacher Felix Varela | 11 | ||
Filetdor | WASP-166 | filet d'or | [Spanish] | the golden sea serpent of a Mallorcan folktale | 11 |
Flegetonte | HD 102195 | Φλεγέθων | [Greek] | the river of fire in the underworld of Greek mythology, as described in Dante Alighieri's La Divina Commedia | 11 |
Fomalhaut | α PsA | fum al‑ḥūt | [Arabic] | the mouth of the whale | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Formosa | HD 100655 | [Latin] | a historical name for Taiwan | 11 | |
Franz | HAT-P-14 | named for Emperor Franz Joseph Ⅰ of Austria | 11 | ||
Fulu | ζ Cas | fù lù | [Chinese] | the auxilliary road | 2,4,11 |
Fumalsamakah | β Psc | fum al‑samaka | [Arabic] | the mouth of the fish | 3,4,7,11 |
Funi | HD 109246 | funi | [Icelandic] | the fire | 11 |
Furud | ζ CMa | al‑furūd | [Arabic] | the solitary ones | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Fuyue | G Sco | Fù Yuè | [Chinese] | named for a labourer who became a high-ranking minister to King Wu Ding | 11 |
Gacrux | γ Cru | γ + crux | [Greek/Latin] | the γ star of the constellation Crux | 7,9,11 |
Gakyid | HD 73534 | gakyid | [Dzongkha] | happiness | 11 |
Gar | GJ 486 | gar | [Basque] | the flame | 11 |
Garnet Star | μ Cep | a star with a deep red colour observed by F.W. Herschel | 1,4,8,11 | ||
Geminga | PSR B0633+17 | ghè minga | [Lombard] | does not exist; is not there | 11 |
Giausar | λ Dra | jauzahr | [Persian] | a technical term for lunar nodes | 1,4,6,7,9,11 |
Gienah | γ Crv | al‑janāḥ | [Arabic] | the wing | 1,4,6,7,9,11 |
Ginan | ε Cru | ginan | [Wardaman] | a red dilly-bag filled with special songs of knowledge | 11 |
Gloas | WASP-13 | gloas | [Manx Gaelic] | to shine | 11 |
Gnomon | WASP-43 | γνώμων | [Greek] | the part of the sundial which casts the shadow | 11 |
Gomeisa | β CMi | al‑shiʿrā al‑ghumayṣāʾ | [Arabic] | the little bleary-eyed Shiʿrā | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Grumium | ξ Dra | grunnum | [Latin] | the snout or muzzle | 4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Guahayona | HAT-P-26 | Guahayona | [Taíno] | named after a figure from Taíno mythology who is identified with the morning and evening stars | 11 |
Gudja | κ Ser | gudja | [Wardaman] | a water goanna (monitor lizard) | 11 |
Gumala | HD 179949 | gumala | [Malay] | the magic bezoar stone found in dragons | 11 |
Guniibuu | 36 Oph | guniibuu | [Euahlayi/Kamilaroi] | the mythological red-breasted robin | 11 |
Hadar | β Cen | ḥaḍāri | [Arabic] | one of the two objects causing dispute and the swearing of an oath | 4,7,9,10,11 |
Haedus | η Aur | haedus | [Latin] | the kid | 1,4,7,11 |
Hamal | α Ari | al‑ḥamal | [Arabic] | the lamb | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Hassaleh | ι Aur | 5,11 | |||
Hatsya | ι Ori | 5,7,11 | |||
Helvetios | 51 Peg | Helvetios | [Latin] | the Celtic tribe that lived in Switzerland during the Middle Ages | 11 |
Heze | ζ Vir | 5,7,11 | |||
Hoggar | HD 28678 | Ahaggar/Uhaggar | [Berber/Tuareg] | named for a mountain range in the Sahara Desert | 11 |
Homam | ζ Peg | saʿd al‑humām | [Arabic] | the lucky star of the hero | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Horna | HAT-P-38 | horna | [Finnish] | the underworld from Finnish mythology | 11 |
Hunahpú | HD 98219 | Hunahpú | [K'iche'] | one of the twin deities who became the sun in Mayan mythology | 11 |
Hunor | HD 147506 | [Hungarian] | the legendary founder of the Huns | 11 | |
Iklil | ρ Sco | al‑iklīl | [Arabic] | the crown | 4,7,10,11 |
Illyrian | HD 82886 | Ιλλυριοί | [Greek] | an ancient group of tribes that inhabited the western Balkans | 11 |
Imai | δ Cru | imai | [Mursi] | the type of grass that grows along the banks of the Omo River | 11 |
Inquill | HD 156411 | a fictional character from Peruvian writer Pedro Abraham Valdelomar Pinto's El camino hacia el Sol | 11 | ||
Intan | HD 20868 | intan | [Bahasa Melayu] | the diamond | 11 |
Intercrus | HD 81688 | inter crus | [Latin] | between the legs | 11 |
Irena | HD 146389 | a fictional character from Slovene writer Fran Saleški Finžgar's Pod svobodnim soncern | 11 | ||
Itonda | HD 208487 | itonda | [Myene] | all that is beautiful | 11 |
Izar | ε Boo | al-izar | [Arabic] | the girdle or loin cloth | 4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Jabbah | ν Sco | al‑jabha | [Arabic] | the forehead | 4,7,11 |
Jishui | ο Gem | jíshuǐ | [Chinese] | the supply of water | 11 |
Kaewkosin | GJ 3470 | kaewkosin | [Thai] | the crystals of the Hindu deity Indra | 11 |
Kaffaljidhma | γ Cet | al‑kaff al‑jadhmāʾ | [Arabic] | the amputated hand | 4,5,7,10,11 |
Kalausi | HD 83443 | kalausi | [Dholuo] | the strong whirlwind | 11 |
Kamui | HD 145457 | kamuy | [Ainu] | a supernatural entity possessing spiritual energy | 11 |
Kang | κ Vir | kàng xiù | [Chinese] | the neck | 2,4,11 |
Karaka | HD 137388 | karaka | [Maori] | a plant native to New Zealand | 11 |
Kaus Australis | ε Sgr | al‑qaws / australis | [Arabic/Latin] | the southern part of the bow | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Kaus Borealis | λ Sgr | al‑qaws / borealis | [Arabic/Latin] | the northern part of the bow | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Kaus Media | δ Sgr | al‑qaws / media | [Arabic/Latin] | the middle part of the bow | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Kaveh | HD 175541 | a fictional character from Persian poet Ferdowsi's epic work Shahnameh | 11 | ||
Keid | ο² Eri | al‑qayḍ | [Arabic] | the egg shells | 1,4,6,7,9,10,11 |
Khambalia | λ Vir | [Coptic] | the crooked-clawed | 4,7,11 | |
Kitalpha | α Equ | qiṭʿat al‑faras | [Arabic] | the section of the horse | 1,4,6,7,9,11 |
Kochab | β UMi | al‑kawkab | [Arabic] | the star | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Koeia | CD−23 1056 12961 | koeia | [Taíno] | the star | 11 |
Komondor | HAT-P-12 | komondor | [Hungarian] | a breed of dog | 11 |
Kornephoros | β Her | Κορυνηφόρος | [Greek] | the club-bearer | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Kosjenka | WASP-63 | kosjenka | [Croatian] | a character from a Croatian fairytale | 11 |
Kraz | β Crv | 5,7,11 | |||
Kurhah | ξ Cep | al‑qurḥa | [Arabic] | the white spot on the forehead of a horse | 4,6,7,9,10,11 |
Lang-Exster | α Tuc | lang exster | [Malayan/Dutch] | the hornbill or magpie | 11 |
Larawag | ε Sco | larawag | [Wardaman] | the signal watcher | 11 |
La Superba | Y CVn | la superba | [Italian] | a red carbon star observed by Italian astronomer A. Secchi | 4,7,11 |
Leepwal | ζ Cen | Ḷeepwal | [Marshallese] | the name of the third child of Lōktañūr (Capella), the mother of all stars, in Marshallese mythology | 11 |
Lerna | HAT-P-42 | Λέρνη | [Greek] | the lake where the mythological nine-headed Hydra lived | 11 |
Lesath | υ Sco | al‑lasʿah | [Arabic] | the sting | 4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Libertas | ξ Aql | libertas | [Latin] | liberty | 11 |
Lich | PSR B1257+12 | lich | [Middle English] | the undead creature which controls other undead creatures through magic | 11 |
Liesma | HD 118203 | liesma | [Latvian] | the flame | 11 |
Lilii Borea | 39 Ari | lilium boreum | [Latin] | the northern lily | 11 |
Lionrock | HD 212771 | lion rock | [English] | a lion-shaped peak overlooking Hong Kong | 11 |
Lucilinburhuc | HD 45350 | an ancient, possibly Roman, fortress in Luxembourg | 11 | ||
Lusitânia | HD 45652 | an ancient name for the region now occupied by Portugal | 11 | ||
Maasym | λ Her | al‑miʿasam | [Arabic] | the wrist | 1,4,5,7,9,11 |
Macondo | HD 93083 | a fictional village from Columbian writer Gabriel García Márquez's Cien añon de soledad | 11 | ||
Mago | an Ethiopian national park | 11 | |||
Mahasim | θ Aur | al‑miʿṣam al‑thurayyā | [Arabic] | the wrist | 4,7,11 |
Mahsati | HD 152581 | named for Azerbaijani poet Mahsati Ganjavi | 11 | ||
Maia | 20 Tau | Μαῖα | [Greek] | one of the Pleiades | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Malmok | WASP-39 | a beach in Aruba | 11 | ||
Marfik | λ Oph | al‑mirfaq | [Arabic] | the elbow | 4,6,7,9,11 |
Markab | α Peg | al‑mankib ul‑faras | [Arabic] | the shoulder of the horse | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Markeb | κ Vel | markab | [Arabic] | something to ride | 4,5,7,9,11 |
Márohu | WASP-6 | [Taíno] | the deity of drought and protector of the sun | 11 | |
Marsic | κ Her | al‑mirfaq | [Arabic] | the elbow | 4,5,7,9,11 |
Maru | GJ 3483 | maru | [Korean] | the sky | 11 |
Matar | η Peg | saʿd al‑maṭar | [Arabic] | the lucky star of the rain | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Matza | HD 116434 | matza | [Zoque] | the star | 11 |
Mazaalai | HAT-P-21 | Мазаалай | [Mongolian] | an endangered Gobi bear subspecies | 11 |
Mebsuta | ε Gem | dhirāʿ al‑asad al‑mabsūṭa | [Arabic] | the outstreched forearm of the lion | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Megrez | δ UMa | al‑maghriz al‑dubb al‑akbar | [Arabic] | the root of the tail of the greater bear | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Meissa | λ Ori | al‑maysān | [Arabic] | the sparkling one | 4,6,7,9,11 |
Mekbuda | ζ Gem | dhirāʿ al‑asad al‑maqbūḍa | [Arabic] | the folded paw of the lion | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Meleph | ε Cnc | al‑maʾlaf | [Arabic] | the stall | 4,7,11 |
Menkalinan | β Aur | al‑mankib dhiyi l‑ʿinān | [Arabic] | the shoulder of the rein-holder | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Menkar | α Cet | al‑mankhirān | [Arabic] | the nostrils | 4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Menkent | θ Cen | al‑mankib ul‑qanṭūris | [Arabic] | the shoulder of the centaur | 7,9,11 |
Menkib | ξ Per | al‑mankib al‑thurayyā | [Arabic] | the shoulder of al‑Thurayyā | 4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Merak | β UMa | ʾal‑marāqq al‑dubb al‑akbar | [Arabic] | the loins of the greater bear | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Merga | 38 Boo | al‑marʾah al‑musalsalah | [Arabic] | the chained woman | 4,5,7,9,11 |
Meridiana | α CrA | [Latin] | commemerating the obsolete constellation name Corona Meridionalis | 4,11 | |
Merope | 23 Tau | Μερώπη | [Greek] | one of the Pleiades | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Mesarthim | γ² Ari | al‑sharaṭān | [Arabic] | the two signs | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Miaplacidus | β Car | miyāh placidus | [Arab/Latin] | calm waters | 4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Mimosa | β Cru | mimus | [Latin] | an actor | 7,9,11 |
Minchir | σ Hya | al‑minkhar al‑shujāʿ | [Arabic] | the nose of the snake | 4,11 |
Minelauva | δ Vir | al-ʿawwāʾ | [Arabic] | the barking one | 4,5,7,11 |
Mintaka | δ Ori | minṭaqat al‑jawzāʾ | [Arabic] | the jeweled belt of al‑Jawzāʾ | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Mira | ο Cet | mirabilis | [Latin] | the amazing or wonderful one | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Mirach | β And | ʾal‑marāqq | [Arabic] | the loin cloth | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Miram | η Per | al‑miʿṣam al‑thurayyā | [Arabic] | the wrist next to al‑Thurayyā | 5,7,11 |
Mirfak | α Per | al‑mirfaq al‑thurayyā | [Arabic] | the elbow of al‑Thurayyā | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Mirzam | β CMa | mirzam al‑shiʿrā | [Arabic] | the herald of Shiʿrā | 1,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Misam | κ Per | al‑miʿṣam al‑thurayyā | [Arabic] | the wrist of al‑Thurayyā | 4,5,7,11 |
Mizar | ζ UMa | ʾal‑marāqq | [Arabic] | the groin | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Moldoveanu | BD+28 2507 | [Romanian] | named for the highest peak in the Făgăraş mountain range | 11 | |
Mönch | HD 130322 | mönch | [German] | named for a prominent peak in the Bernese Alps | 11 |
Montuno | CD−30 1812 | montuno | [Spanish] | the traditional costume worn by the men of Panama | 11 |
Morava | WASP-60 | Морава | [Serbian] | named for the longest river in Serbia | 11 |
Moriah | HAT-P-23 | Moriyya | [Hebrew] | the ancient name of the mountain within the old city of Jerusalem | 11 |
Mothallah | α Tri | al‑muthallath | [Arabic] | the triangle | 1,3,4,5,9,11 |
Mouhoun | HD 30856 | named for a river in Burkino Faso | 11 | ||
Mpingo | WASP-71 | [Swahili] | the African blackwood tree | 11 | |
Muliphein | γ CMa | al‑muḥlifān | [Arabic] | one of the two objects causing dispute and the swearing of an oath | 1,4,5,7,9,11 |
Muphrid | η Boo | mufrid al‑rāmiḥ | [Arabic] | the solitary star of the lancer | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Muscida | ο UMa | musus | [Latin] | the muzzle | 4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Musica | 18 Del | musica | [Latin] | music | 11 |
Muspelheim | HAT-P-29 | Múspellsheimr | [Norse] | the realm of fire | 11 |
Nahn | ξ Cnc | [Persian] | the nose | 4,7,11 | |
Naledi | CPD−64 484 | naledi | [Sesotho] | the star | 11 |
Naos | ζ Pup | ναῡς | [Greek] | the ship | 4,5,7,9,11 |
Nashira | γ Cap | saʿd nāshirah | [Arabic] | the lucky star of the scatterer | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Násti | HD 68988 | násti | [Northern Sami] | the star | 11 |
Natasha | HD 85390 | natasha | [languages of Zaire] | thank you | 11 |
Nekkar | β Boo | al‑baqqār | [Arabic] | the ox-driver | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Nembus | 51 And | 4,7,11 | |||
Nenque | HD 6434 | nenque | [Waorani] | the sun | 11 |
Nervia | HD 49674 | derived from Nervii, a Belgian Celtic tribe | 11 | ||
Nihal | β Lep | al‑nihāl | [Arabic] | the camels quenching their thirst | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Nikawiy | HD 136148 | nikawiy | [Cree] | the mother | 11 |
Noquisi | GJ 436 | noquisi | [Cherokee] | the star | 11 |
Nosaxa | HD 48265 | nosaxa | [Moqoit] | sprint | 11 |
Nunki | σ Sgr | NUNki | [Babylonion] | the celestial counterpart of the holy city of Eridu | 4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Nusakan | β CrB | an‑nasaqān | [Arabic] | the two lines of stars | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Nushagak | HD 17156 | nushagak | named for a river in Alaska famous for its wild salmon | 11 | |
Nyamien | WASP-15 | [Akan] | the supreme creator deity | 11 | |
Ogma | HD 149026 | [Celtic] | the Celtic deity of eloquence, writing and physical strength | 11 | |
Okab | ζ Aql | al‑oḳāb | [Arabic] | the eagle | 4,11 |
Orkaria | GJ 1214 | okaria | [Maa] | red ochre | 11 |
Paikauhale | τ Sco | paikauhale | [Hawai'ian] | a vagabond | 11 |
Parumleo | WASP-32 | parum leo | [Latin] | the little lion | 11 |
Peacock | α Pav | [English] | English translation of Pavo | 7,8,11 | |
Petra | WASP-80 | Πέτρα | [Greek] | named for the ancient Jordanian city of Petra | 11 |
Phact | α Col | al‑fākhitah | [Arabic] | the ring dove | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Phecda | γ UMa | al‑fakhidh al‑dubb al‑akbar | [Arabic] | the thigh of the greater bear | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Pherkad | γ UMi | al‑farqadān | [Arabic] | the two wild calves | 4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Phoenicia | V1703 Aql | Φοινίκη | [Greek] | named for an ancient civilisation of the Mediterranean | 11 |
Phyllon Kissinou | 23 Com | φύλλον κισσίνου | [Greek] | the ivy leaf | 11 |
Piautos | λ Cnc | [Coptic] | the eye | 4,7,11 | |
Pincoya | HD 164604 | the Chilean water spirit who brings drowned sailors to the phantom ship of Caleuche so that they may live in the afterlife | 11 | ||
Pipirima | μ² Sco | Pipirima | [Tahitian] | the mythological Polynesian twins who ran away and became stars | 4,11 |
Pipit | ν Pup | pipit | [Kendayan] | the sparrow | 11 |
Pipoltr | TrES-3 | pipoltr | [Triesenberg dialect, Liechtenstein] | a bright and visible butterfly | 11 |
Pleione | 28 Tau | Πληιόνη | [Greek] | the mother of the Pleiades | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Poerava | HD 221287 | poe rava | [Maori] | a large black pearl of utter beauty and perfection | 11 |
Polaris | α UMi | stella polaris | [Latin] | the polar star | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Polaris Australis | σ Oct | polaris australis | [Latin] | of the southern pole | 11 |
Polis | μ Sgr | [Coptic] | the foal | 4,11 | |
Pollux | β Gem | Πολυδεύκης | [Greek] | a character in Greek mythology | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Porrima | γ Vir | Porrima | [Latin] | a Roman goddess | 4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Praecipua | 46 LMi | praecipua | [Latin] | the chief | 1,4,7,11 |
Prima Hyadum | γ Tau | prima Hyadum | [Latin] | the first of the Hyades | 1,4,7,11 |
Procyon | α CMi | προκύων | [Greek] | the one preceeding the dog | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Propus | η Gem | πρόπους | [Greek] | the forward foot | 1,4,6,7,9,11 |
Proxima Centauri | α Cen C | proxima Centauri | [Latin] | near | 9,11 |
Ran | ε Eri | Ran | [Norse] | the Norse goddess of the sea | 11 |
Rana | δ Eri | rana | [Latin] | the second frog | 1,5,7,11 |
Rapeto | HD 153950 | rapeto | [Malagasy] | a giant creature from Malagasy tales | 11 |
Rasalas | μ Leo | raʾas ul‑asad al‑shaʾāmī | [Arabic] | the northern part of the head of the lion | 1,3,4,6,7,9,11 |
Rasalgethi | α¹ Her | raʾas ul‑jāthi | [Arabic] | the head of the kneeler | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Rasalhague | α Oph | raʾas ul‑ḥawwāʾ | [Arabic] | the head of the serpent collector | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Rastaban | β Dra | raʾas uth‑thuʿabān | [Arabic] | the head of the serpent | 4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Regulus | α Leo | regulus | [Latin] | the little king | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Revati | ζ Psc | revatī | [Sanskrit] | prosperous | 4,11 |
Rigel | β Ori | rijl al‑jawzāʾ | [Arabic] | the foot of al‑Jawzāʾ | 1,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Rhombus | α Ret | ῥόμβος | [Greek] | the quadrilateral whose four sides are of equal length | 4,11 |
Rigil Kentaurus | α Cen A | rijl ul‑qanṭūris | [Arabic] | the foot of the centaur | 4,6,7,9,11 |
Rosalíadecastro | HD 149143 | named for Galacian writer and poet María Rosalía Rita de Castro | 11 | ||
Rotanev | β Del | 'Venator' spelled backwards | named for Italian astronomer Nicolaus Venator | 1,4,5,7,9,11 | |
Ruchbah | δ Cas | ar‑rukbah | [Arabic] | the knee | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Rukbat | α Sgr | rukbat ur‑rāmī | [Arabic] | the knee of the archer | 4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Sabik | η Oph | as‑sābiq | [Arabic] | the preceding one | 3,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Saclateni | ζ Aur | as‑sāʾid al‑thānī | [Arabic] | the second arm | 4,11 |
Sadachbia | γ Aqr | saʿd al‑akhbiya | [Arabic] | the lucky star of the tents | 1,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Sadalbari | μ Peg | saʿd al‑bāriʿ | [Arabic] | the lucky star of the exalted one | 4,6,7,9,10,11 |
Sadalmelik | α Aqr | saʿd al‑malik | [Arabic] | the lucky star of the king | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Sadalsuud | β Aqr | saʿd al‑suʿūd | [Arabic] | the luckiest of the lucky stars | 1,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Sadr | γ Cyg | aṣ‑ṣadr | [Arabic] | the breast | 1,3,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Sagarmatha | HD 100777 | Sagarmāthā | [Nepali] | another name for Mount Everest | 11 |
Saiph | κ Ori | as‑sayf | [Arabic] | the sword | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Salm | τ Peg | the leather bucket | 4,7,11 | ||
Sāmaya | HD 205739 | sāmaya | [Sinhalese] | peace | 11 |
Sansuna | HD 351766 | [Maltese] | a mythological giant who carried the stones of the Gozo megalithic temples on her head | 11 | |
Sargas | θ Sco | ŠAR.GAZ | [Sumerian] | a weapon of the god Marduk | 4,6,7,9,11 |
Sarin | δ Her | 5,7,11 | |||
Sceptrum | 53 Eri | [Latin] | commemerating the obsolete constellation Sceptrum Brandenburgicum | 1,4,5,7,11 | |
Scheat | β Peg | al‑sāq | [Arabic] | the shin | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Schedar | α Cas | aṣ‑ṣadr | [Arabic] | the breast | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Secunda Hyadum | δ Tau | secunda Hyadum | [Latin] | the second of the Hyades | 1,4,7,11 |
Segin | ε Cas | corrupted transliteration of the Greek name for Boötes | 5,7,11 | ||
Seginus | γ Boo | corrupted transliteration of the Greek name for Boötes | 4,5,6,7,9,11 | ||
Sham | α Sge | al‑sahm | [Arabic] | the arrow | 1,4,5,7,9,11 |
Shama | HD 99109 | shama | [Urdu] | the flame or small lamp | 11 |
Shaomin | ρ Leo | shào míng | [Chinese] | the less bright horn of the dragon | 11 |
Sharjah | HIP 79431 | aš‑šārja | [Arabic] | the cultural capital of the United Arab Emirates | 11 |
Shaula | λ Sco | al‑shawla | [Arabic] | the raised tail | 1,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Sheliak | β Lyr | ash‑shiliyāq | [Arabic] | the harp | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Sheratan | β Ari | al‑sharaāṭn | [Arabic] | the two signs | 1,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Sika | HD 181720 | sika | [Ewe] | gold | 11 |
Sirius | α CMa | Σείριος | [Greek] | the brilliant or scorching one | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Situla | κ Aqr | situla | [Latin] | the bucket, pot | 1,4,5,7,9,11 |
Skat | δ Aqr | al‑sāq | [Arabic] | the shin | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Solaris | BD+14 4559 | solaris | [Latin] | the title of a noval by Polish writer Stansilaw Lem | 11 |
Solitaire | 58 Hya | solitarius | [Latin] | commemerating the obsolete constellation Turdus Solitarius | 11 |
Spica | α Vir | spica | [Latin] | the ear of grain | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Stellio | α Lac | stellio | [Latin] | commemerating the obsolete constellation name Lacerta sive Stellio | 4,11 |
Sterrennacht | HAT-P-6 | sterrennacht | [Dutch] | 'Starry Night', a famous painting by Dutch master Vincent Van Gogh | 11 |
Stribor | HD 75898 | the Slavic deity of the winds | 11 | ||
Sualocin | α Del | 'Nicolaus' spelled backwards | named for Italian astronomer Nicolaus Venator | 1,4,5,7,9,11 | |
Subra | ο Leo | al‑zubra | [Arabic] | the mane | 5,7,9,11 |
Suhail | λ Vel | Suhayl | [Arabic] | [untranslated proper name] | 4,5,7,9,11 |
Sulafat | γ Lyr | as‑sulḥafāh | [Arabic] | the tortoise | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Syrma | ι Vir | Σύρμα | [Greek] | the train of a dress | 4,6,7,9,11 |
Tabit | π³ Ori | al‑thābit | [Arabic] | the endurer | 1,4,7,11 |
Taika | HAT-P-40 | taika | [Lithuanian] | peace | 11 |
Taiyangshou | χ UMa | Tài Yáng Shǒu | [Chinese] | the guard of the sun | 2,4,11 |
Taiyi | 8 Dra | Tài Yī | [Chinese] | the first great one | 2,4,11 |
Talitha | ι UMa | al‑qafza al‑thālitha | [Arabic] | the third leap of the gazelles (with Alkaphrah) | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Tangra | WASP-21 | Teŋri | [Old Turkic] | the supreme celestial deity | 11 |
Tania Australis | μ UMa | al‑qafza al‑thāniya / australis | [Arabic/Latin] | the second southern leap of the gazelles | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Tania Borealis | λ UMa | al‑qafzat al‑thāniya / borealis | [Arabic/Latin] | the second northern leap of the gazelles | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Tapecue | HD 63765 | tapecué | [Guarani] | the eternal path | 11 |
Tarazed | γ Aql | shāhīn‑i tarāzū | [Persian] | the scale-beam | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Tarf | β Cnc | aţ‑ţarf | [Arabic] | the glance | 4,7,11 |
Taygeta | 19 Tau | Ταϋγέτη | [Greek] | one of the Pleiades | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Tegmine | ζ¹ Cnc | tegimen | [Latin] | the covering | 4,7,9,11 |
Tejat | μ Gem | al‑taḥāyī | [Arabic] | the rain bringers | 1,4,9,10,11 |
Tengshe | V424 Lac | téng shé | [Chinese] | the flying serpent | 11 |
Terebellum | ω Sgr | τετράπλευρον | [Greek] | the quadrilateral | 4,7,11 |
Tevel | HAT-P-9 | tevel | [Hebrew] | the universe | 11 |
Theemin | υ² Eri | bhmn | [Arabic] | the bend in the river | 1,4,5,7,9,11 |
Thuban | α Dra | ath‑thuʿbān | [Arabic] | the serpent | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Tiaki | β Gru | tiaki | [Maori] | to guard | 11 |
Tianfu | τ Aql | tiān fú | [Chinese] | the celestial drumsticks | 11 |
Tianguan | ζ Tau | tiān guān | [Chinese] | the celestial gate | 2,11 |
Tianyi | 7 Dra | Tiān Yī | [Chinese] | the celestial great one | 2,11 |
Timir | HD 148427 | timir | [Bengali] | darkness | 11 |
Tislit | WASP-161 | tislit | [Amazigh] | the bride | 11 |
Titawin | υ And | Tétouan | named for a settlement in northern Morocco | 11 | |
Tojil | WASP-22 | [K'iche'] | a Mayan deity of rain, storms and fire | 11 | |
Toliman | α Cen B | al‑ẓalīmān | [Arabic] | the two male ostriches | 5,9,11 |
Tonatiuh | HD 104985 | Ōllin Tōnatiuh | [Aztec] | the Aztec god of the sun | 11 |
Torcular | ο Psc | torcularis septentrionalis | [Latin] | the wine press | 4,7,11 |
Tuiren | HAT-P-36 | [Irish] | a relative of legendary Irish hunter/warrior Fionn mac Cumhaill | 11 | |
Tupā | HD 108147 | [Guarani] | the supreme deity who created the universe | 11 | |
Tupi | HD 23079 | an indigenous people of South America | 11 | ||
Tureis | ρ Pup | al‑turais | [Arabic] | the little shield | 1,4,9,11 |
Ukdah | ι Hya | al‑ʿuqdah | [Arabic] | the knot | 4,7,11 |
Uklun | HD 102117 | uklun | [Pitkern] | us or we | 11 |
Unukalhai | α Ser | ʿunuq al‑ḥayya | [Arabic] | the neck of the serpent | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Unurgunite | σ CMa | [Boroong] | the mythological figure who fought the moon | 11 | |
Uridim | α Lup | UR.IDIM | [Mesopotamian] | a Mesopotamian constellation | 11 |
Uruk | HD 231701 | URUUNUG | [Akkadian] | named for the ancient Mesopotamian city | 11 |
Uúba | CD-38 15670 | uúba | [Uwa] | the star, the seeds, or the eye | 11 |
Vega | α Lyr | al‑nasr al‑wāqiʿ | [Arabic] | the swooping vulture | 1,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Veritate | 14 And | veritas | [Latin] | truth | 11 |
Vindemiatrix | ε Vir | vindemiatrix | [Latin] | the grape gatherer | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Wasat | δ Gem | wasṭ | [Arabic] | the middle | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Wattle | WASP-19 | watel | [Middle English] | the golden wattle Acacia pycnantha | 11 |
Wazn | β Col | al‑wazn | [Arabic] | the measure | 1,4,6,7,9,10,11 |
Wezen | δ CMa | al‑wazn | [Arabic] | the measure | 4,5,7,9,11 |
Wouri | WASP-69 | wouri | [Cameroon] | named for a river in Cameroon | 11 |
Wurren | ζ Phe | Wurren | [Wardaman] | the mythological child of Dungdung | 11 |
Xamidimura | μ¹ Sco | xami di mura | [Khoikhoi] | the eyes of the lion | 11 |
Xihe | HD 173416 | Xīhé | [Chinese] | the goddess of the sun | 11 |
Xuange | λ Boo | xuán gē | [Chinese] | the somber lance | 11 |
Yed Posterior | ε Oph | yad al‑jawzāʾ / posterior | [Arabic/Latin] | the back hand of al‑Jawzāʾ | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Yed Prior | δ Oph | yad al‑jawzāʾ / posterior | [Arabic/Latin] | the front hand of al‑Jawzāʾ | 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Yildun | δ UMi | yildiz | [Turkish] | the star | 1,4,5,7,9,11 |
Yunü | 31 Leo | yun¨ | [Chinese] | the concubine of the emperor | 11 |
Zaniah | η Vir | zāwiyat al‑ʿawwāʾ | [Arabic] | the angle | 4,6,7,9,11 |
Zaurak | γ Eri | az‑zawraq | [Arabic] | the boat | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Zavijava | β Vir | zāwiyat ul‑ʿawwāʾ | [Arabic] | the angle | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Zembra | HATS-72 | zembra | [Arabic] | an island in the Gulf of Tunis | 11 |
Zhang | υ¹ Hya | zhāng xiù | [Chinese] | the extended net | 2,4,11 |
Zibal | ζ Eri | al‑riʾāl | [Arabic] | the young ostriches | 1,4,5,7,9,10,11 |
Zosma | δ Leo | Ζωσμα | [Greek] | the girdle or loin cloth | 1,4,5,6,7,9,11 |
Zubenelgenubi | α² Lib | zubānā al‑janūbiyya | [Arabic] | the southern claw of the scorpion | 4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Zubenelhakrabi | γ Lib | zubānā al‑ʿaqrab | [Arabic] | the claws of the scorpion | 4,5,10,11 |
Zubeneschamali | β Lib | zubānā al‑shamāliyya | [Arabic] | the northern claw of the scorpion | 4,5,6,7,9,10,11 |
Most of the derivations and meanings of the star names listed above are taken from Adams, Allen, Davis, and Kunitzsch and Smart. Modern Chinese transliterations and meanings are taken from Wikipedia: Chinese Star Names. Corrections are always welcome.